Speak and be understood.
Public Speaking and Communication Skills Training

Devoted to
Barbara John – International Voice and Speech Educator
“I am convinced that the ability to talk about things openly, without fear and with empathy is central to our wellbeing. The way we interact with others has the capacity to strengthen relationships, deepen understanding and create harmony in our lives. Each of us has the potential to be an effective communicator in our personal and professional lives. I am delighted to help others achieve this.”
Barbara John has worked in the area of public speaking, communication skills and voice improvement for the past twenty years. Individuals and organisations worldwide have benefited from her training and discovered immediate and permanent success in their professional and personal lives. Her extraordinary ability to bring out the best in her students and clients is well known and highly regarded. Based in Melbourne, Australia, she runs a busy private practice.
Her work has taken her to India, China, South Africa, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand and across Australia as both trainer and examiner for Trinity College, London. Some of her clients include GE Money, Shell Direct, Sensis, Westpac, Australian universities, local and state governments.
Barbara conducts full or half-day workshops for organisations to build strong and long-lasting communication skills to maximise teamwork and productivity in the workplace.
Barbara’s qualifications include:
Barbara is on the panel of Drama and Speech Examiners for Trinity College, London. She is also a regular adjudicator for the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival. Barbara is Past-President of the Speech and Drama Teachers’ Association of Victoria Inc.
Parents want their children to be the very best individuals. They want them to be confident, successful and happy. A training in Public Speaking and Communication Skills develops all of these powerful qualities whilst giving a child a head start in life.
Every time you open your mouth to persuade a client, a colleague or the head of your organisation, your voice discloses more than you think. Your voice has an enormous impact on the immediate impressions that are made about you and the organization you represent.
Our workplaces are a melting pot of cultures, accents and languages. Whilst there are enormous postives in the sharing of skills, expertise and knowledge, globalisation has brought about a few challenges in the key element critical to the success of all organisations- COMMUNICATION.